
Commissioner Henry had a vision to make and keep Nottinghamshire safe through the following priority areas:

Stopping crime before it happens and protecting people from harm by:

✔️   Developing and investing in crime prevention initiatives and early intervention approaches that deal with the causes rather than consequences of crime

✔️   Building on the work of Nottinghamshire’s Violence Reduction Partnership and its partner agencies to further reduce knife crime and other serious violence

✔️   Supporting further improvements in education and diversionary projects that steer young people away from crime.

✔️   Working with partner agencies to reduce reoffending and tackle the drivers of crime and anti-social behaviour - particularly drug and alcohol-related offending


Ensuring an efficient and effective response to the issues of greatest concern:

✔️   Providing resources to increase police officer numbers and holding the Chief Constable to account for increasing the visibility and accessibility of those officers

✔️   Making the best use of resources and ensuring that they are distributed fairly and equitably across Nottinghamshire on the basis of where they are needed most

✔️   Listening to local communities and improving police and partnership responses to the issues of greatest community concern – including ASB, speeding and rural crime

✔️   Ensuring that Nottinghamshire Police have the right skills, people and equipment to tackle the challenges of policing in the 21st Century


Supporting victims, survivors and communities to be safe and feel safe:

✔️   Continuing to improve services for victims of crime, particularly those with experience of domestic abuse or sexual abuse

✔️   Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the criminal justice system to ensure that victims are supported and more
 offenders are brought to justice.

✔️   Reducing reoffending and working with the police and criminal justice partners to ensure that more offenders are brought to justice

✔️   Working with local, regional and national partners to tackle and reduce the harm caused by serious and organised crime

See Also

About Caroline Henry

Police & Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire (May 2021 - May 2024) A huge thank you to everyone across Nottinghamshire who voted for me. I wish  Gary Godden  every success as the new PCC. He will have a great team around him at the Office of Nottinghamshire Police and C